Polymeric industry

At the enterprises of «Electron»  up-to-date production of plastic articles of different complexity level – from the smallest to large-dimension ones is organized.


In production all types of polymers: both widespread – polyethylene, polypropylene, ABS, PS, EPS and specific ones – polycarbonate, polyamide, plastic with glass filling, reinforced plastics and etc. are used. The enterprises of the Corporation are equipped with thermoplactic injection molding machines with locking force from 50 to 1300 t (Toshiba), robotized complexes (Krauss Maffei), and also with automated equipment of Promas firm for polysterene articles production.


Engineering production potentialities and high quality of plastic and polysterene articles of «Electron» are highly appreciated by the most of domestic and foreign companies. Regular customers of the concern production are: Lviv brewery, Coca Cola, InBev, Carlberg Group, Panasonic, Electrolux, Flextronics, Evrogold, Tyco Electronics and others.



«Polymer-Electron» Plant

«Electronpobutprylad» Ltd


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