
The president of “Electron” Corporation Yuriy Bubes attended solemnities of Lviv Polytechnic University


On the 1-st of September more than 10 500 of young people became the first-year students of National university "Lvivs`ka polytechnika”. The president of Lviv polytechnic university professor Yuriy Bobalo, deputy Lviv Region administration Yuriy Pidlisnyy, People`s deputy Oksana Yurynets, Lviv mayor Andrey Sadovyy and the president of "Electron” Corporation Yuriy Bubes appealed to the first-year students and guests of the holiday with welcoming speech. 

In his appeal to the first-year students of Polytechnic University Yuriy Bubes noted that a famous "Lvivs`ka polytechnika” has been and remains to be "a smithy” of highly skilled personnel, engineering elite of the nation. The most of managers and leading specialists of scientific-production and industrial enterprises of diversified "Electron” Corporation were educated just in the university. Furthermore, long-standing friendship unites "Electron” and "Lvivs`ka polytechnika” – it is drawing leading specialists from production to educational and pedagogical activity, implementation of fundamental investigation and applied designing, their testing and adoption to the production. The latest example of such productive collaboration is participation of the scientists of Lviv Polytechnic University in creation of the first electrobus in Ukraine of "Electron” brand.

At the end of his speech the president of "Electron” Corporation wished the students success in study, persistence in acquiring new knowledges and skills, and faculty - new successes in education of engineering and intellectual elite of the nation, he emphasized that the best graduating students of the University will be welcomed in design departments, laboratories and shops of "Electron”.

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